

was a big year for our agency…

We grew our client base by 25% in 2022.

You know what else grew by 25%? Our team!

We’re spread over 12 states, plus Washington, D.C. 

From Florida down south to Massachusetts up north, we cover a lot of ground.

We crushed it with our clients.

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And we worked extra hard for them.


Asana tasks


hours worked

While playing equally as hard.

9,500+ hours spent on vacation and off for the holidays

The United Kingdom was the top country of choice.

24 countries visited

And 41 states explored, plus Washington, D.C.

Most popular destination? California!

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We can’t wrap up 2022 without acknowledging the furry friends who kept us company at home — our pets!

While we love all pets, Stratapup ownership outweighs cats by nearly a 2:1 margin.

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In our free time we also...



live concerts




And listened to approximately 4,057,860 minutes of music.

Check out some of our favorites in the Stratasourced playlist:

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That wraps up Stratacomm's great year! To our clients, thank you for your continued trust in us. To all, we wish you and yours a safe and restful holiday season. We'll see you in 2023!

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