Reducing Impaired Driving Deaths On Our Roads

Impaired driving is one of the most dangerous behaviors on our roadways. Each year, over 10,000 people die in impaired driving-related crashes. Even though most people know the dangers of impaired driving, they still get behind the wheel.
One proven method of discouraging impaired driving is enforcing DUI laws. Twice each year, around Labor Day and the winter holidays, NHTSA runs a dual-message communications campaign reminding drivers that drunk and drug-impaired driving are dangerous and illegal and that law enforcement will arrest them and charge them with a DUI if they’re caught.
Stratacomm plans and executes a combined $22.5 million dollar paid media strategy to reach the drivers most likely to engage in and die from impaired driving, 21- to 34-year-old men, twice per year in 3-week flights.
With a short flight window, creative assets and strategies that captivate the target audience are imperitive. Using insights from research, Stratacomm creates, tests and produces award-winning national broadcast creative for impaired driving, including Tsunami, which has been recognized with multiple awards for copywriting, CGI and sound design, and Cross the Line, which targets motorcycle riders. Stratacomm also produces digital-only videos like Press Conference, and creates radio spots and live reads to reach our target audience with a tailored message while they’re in the car.
Stratacomm also works closely with NHTSA to concept, create and refine assets for states and safety partners to use, highlighting traffic safety issues throughout the year. These include annually updated social assets for calendar milestones like Halloween, Thanksgiving, (winter) holiday, St. Patrick’s Day and 4th of July packaged into instructional “playbooks.”
Core Campaign Assets
- :30, :15, and :06 second videos
- :30 second radio spot
- Radio live reads/podcast live reads
- Social media assets (cover images, messages, graphics)
- Display ads
Stratacomm plans, creates and places more than $22.5M of paid media annually for Impaired Driving.
Video Views
- Press Conference debuted in December of 2021 and has over 2.3 million views on YouTube
- Cross the Line debuted in August of 2021 and has over 1 million views on YouTube
- Tsunami debuted in December of 2020 and has over 13 million views on YouTube
- Hermes Gold, 2021
Stratacomm’s use of these materials produced for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is for the purpose of providing examples of its work and does not constitute an endorsement by NHTSA.